introduction to bleeding backwards —Krysia Jopek [November 2019]
Feast your eyes and brains on diaphanous micro 3.15: Heath Brougher’s bleeding backwards, the most mammoth diaphanous micro to date! This issue will actually be printed as a physical book by a different publisher in 2020. I’ll let the poetry, visual art, and statement of poetics [aesthetics] speak for itself. Enjoy!
> > >
pliant verse: new poetry
St(upid)ate sponsored stale bread ,,
striven d0wntowne d®own wa-
ters ,, shuttered streets
of youth ,, ß~~~~~~~~~à sca(rry)rs
of an (Om) eternal ethno-oracle
fugal(ism)ist ;; bombdust ,,
[howdy horn heisGordon]
suey slop(ed) surgical(ogical)ly orn(amaste)amental ;;
a manna his wor(l)d ;;
proof pops out(whorled!!)ward
polar(bear)oid snappen
snatchery drownt in wat(tons)er soupà
the naked thighs of Janeà
fully tempted Kierga moon
lusty 99 thousand y(onder)ears
br(right-here!!)ought for a(n) Apex [WHOOOOO!]à
ash W(ittnessing)ednesday [trash = this] ;;
bottom of the 9th
for a broken oriole—
otrawise =
[[[[[———-DO NOT USE IN POEM!!————]]]]]]
[[[[[[dopers worship Uranus, strung o(ooooohhhh!)ut a(ha)tta ho(we)me plate!—
h(ipster)it me a gr(h)and sala[om?]i]
[a haircut in the 8th inning [(?????)]
[dopers like baseball but baseball likes to fuck with the doper’s head with infield fly rules and what(ever!)not]]]]]
Confidence of the Many
of a hid-
we(eek)akness ;;.
Fr(om out)eak coleslaw frisk ,, om high down
Apis quopom of tin ,, of tin(n)y~~~~~à ,,
,, ;; ,, !! .. • ;; € ,, [%~& = +] ,, :: ,, ^^ {*****} ,,
plaintiffs Walpole ,, Oakland vapor
doorknob Wicklow ,, weeblow lapidary
—we’re gonna g(oogle)obble up the mustard seeds the i(diots)ngrates spit out—!;.
Monroestopsis ” Montreal
Bloodpoisoning ” BloodFlint
Op(youless)ence “ Omnibus
Thrombosis “ Thumb(at)tack
Nearing Asparagus
Original ingre(e)d(y)ients à[0Oo oO0]ß
rhutabeggar rutaugular ,, rheu(barb)my ,, r(hoo!)ooms ,,
nearing asparagus says a road sign ,,
typo-tato ,, sq(i)sh soon ripe enough
to sizzledance with olive’s oil(spilt)y veggies rife with Vitamin Z (vitamin z)
cooking up what was dug upà (0à[om]ß0)
from s(z)ounds of b(lowingup!!)ursting seeds planted in dirt months before; ;.
[[[[[Wel(l that’s about it, folks!!)come signs direct brief inhabitant(sentience-full)
straight to the Ex(ist for a short amount of time)it sign before
the li(v)fe-forms barely catch one of those breaths of Oxygen
this p(eculiar)articular planet is famous for!!]]]]]
[[[[[“’Nearing Asparagus” is honestly a sign my dad once saw while driving down some old country road around Lancaster County. He even had a plastic reprint of the sign made that I own to this day. Apparently, story goes: He was driving down some backroad and saw a sign that read “Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Ahead.” After a few more miles the sign reappeared, this time with an even closer mileage attached. THEN, apparently, a sign appeared that read simply “Asparagus in 5 miles.” Then “Asparagus in 2.5 miles.” And, finally, the fixer: a sign that simply read “Nearing Asparagus.” If you ask my dad he will tell you to this very day how much he regrets not stopping right then and there and “borrowing” that final sign. It’s a regret he’ll have to take to his grave. He DID remember exactly the color, shape, and size of that Billboard so he could have replicas made and this explains why I’ve had a “Nearing Asparagus” sign hanging somewhere in my bedroom since my mid-teens. It was a diamond-shaped sign, all in white, with the words, in big bright green font, spelling out “Nearing Asparagus.” And let us not forget that the sign had a green, curvy outline at its edges. In fact, IF the publisher lets me show you this sign in this book, I WILL show you the sign. True story.]]]]]
Noonish grindle
girth obituary ,,
elder aura time pressure /—à
unwrapped Ea(terofacid)ster/
Mendoza line Freakfest/ {Freedomfest}
ripe lice/
liquorish blood //—àà
San Antonio guit-tar–(0)-feedbac(rack)k(wards) ;;
Pavlovian response to hummmmmmm(anesque)mmmm ,,
humm(om)mmmnmmm(mmmmm)mmmmm(um! um! um! um! um!) of motors ;;
indent(ured)ed interstate/demonstraight~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> [ode to odd uncles!]
frail white sneakers //|\\ tenn–is shoeless Exist(ential)ence
revels in the real re(V)eal of a Multiverse of black sox and white holes /
apply pressureà
gaseous drainà
land of rotten spicketsà
we are n o t (t) h e r e anymore ,,
we are (un)officially among the Elsewheres
of Sentient Existence—death of course always
a very(muchquiteso) possibility of a wormhole
into another dimension of perception of creation
of such heavy Suchness in this current realm of 8 sensations
are more than likely rendered useless to the fathomlessness
of a denseness of Multiversal fullness which likely feeds us
a continuation of its Continuum of an Eternal Essence
founded in Endlessness of various senses ;;.
[———DO NOT USE IN POEM!!——–]
[[[[[I’m talking E.D.s! Extra-Dimensional-being type-Elsewhere, motherfucker!!]]]]]
[[[[[when a Human, with their 5 of 8 senses known of on this planet, all tuned to just the proper setting, looks out onto the sunrise/set we do not see the magnetic field—this is accepted and usually shaken off with a sort of cavalier ignorance that has become the hallmark of human arrogance as we gaze with perfections made of purest personification, instead of meekly dismissing the EGO, we actually argue whether or not the Dimension stacked atop ours even exists to begin with ! We were fine to dismiss the fact that we were eyeless to the magnetic field but DID NOT go so far as to dismiss, or call into question, its very Existence, since Science has assured us of this with an such endless recurrence that we wrestle not with its Thusness but have formed a nearly latent acceptance of its presence. YET… when that idea holds heavy ignorance or flat out unknowingness of Existence, humanity will hold out a resistance, and, at a usually dangerous insistence, ask as to why it was never completely informed of this during its usual indulgence of useless information so oft eaten of to find their spot among the weak obeisance they’ve come to call Existence only to find out that their own weakness and lack of curiosity when matters turn to all subjects concerning Science, that this information, once relentless, was muted and hushed due to the dull and dim and dumb observance that Science and Scientific arrogance that human perception usually finds boring as if its Multiversal acceptance is more of a nuisance—thus it becomes unwanted, careless and obsequious in these all-too-human perceptions that thrive on the convenience of their utterly false Manmade obsessions and, instead of removing these horrid repressions, would rather gather comfortably in the warm, deceitful pockets of obvious IGNORANCE instead of embracing the utter Truthfulness of Human Existence and instead sit facing the wrong direction simply because it’s tilted to a more Truthless spot of convenience concerning their ULTIMATE duty of embracing the Truthfulness abound that is not nearly as easily accessed but is, at the end of the day, the only direction for the human mind, its perceptions and proclivities and unperspicuous tendencies, to sway among this multitudinous Multidimensional Mulitiverse;…]]]]]
Another Orb
diiiiiiiiiippin dots €€ iiiiiiiiicecreeeeeeeeam ,,
diiiiiiiiiiiimpling dots ** iiiiiiiiicecreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam ,,
dumpling dots ¥¥ I scream!—;
Summer Murder
S h (r) i n e s er(adicated)ected/ / / / /
in a glitt(t)er-I mutt(ttttt)ering murmur–
ing moment-0(mori)
of fa(t)ede(a)d memori(a)es ([(memory-YAH!)]) ;;.
[[[[[————DO NOT USE IN POEM!:———–]]]]]
[[[[[[“cut your nose upon the spansule”]]]]]
[[[[[[“impressionario Gn(om)es = GiANT laWN shamE”]]]]]
[[[[“tacky {though I’ve always thought in a good kind of way = like something you’d see in a music video for an alternative band from the early-mid 1990s}”]]]]
[[[[[“eighteenth inning grass”]]]]]
[[[[[“it is twenty-nineteen-84!!”]]]]];;,
Radio legs
lay the television’s eggs
all warped… (wh)rip-
ed ed ed(en) e(n)dà
w h o r l e dà / whooshed /
[back in b(l)ack singing sugary songs of surgery]
Aleece al(l)live Phifee ;;;;; FeeFee
tonal vibratory soundt(r)ack
bite bit biting offa(l) , a little
…………………………..atta boy!à
circle of a stitch
on road(t)/rip(t)
ricknamed “what/what?”~~~~~~à
prod of gray thumbp(rint)ick
or appeal~~~~à~~~~~~à
dust in one’s grieving
cha cha grrrrrupt
& explode into erupt
& then(n)
Off-White Autumn
Iscariot sparrow =
wildamounts of melted waxwings |
lunged through aisles of orch(id)ards ,,
cr(u)ashed crisp
into fold of dishevel,..;
. ; . ,
litmus test————à
mucus penetrated, perturbed—à
a human in wolf’s clothing
@ aisle #8
instead of cloud #9 ,,
#9 #9 #9 #9 #9 #9 #9 #9 #9… ((et-cet-era)) ;;.
Re(re)c(h)ord the grapefruit juice
in its midair tan(TrulyTantamount)trum ;;à invi(nc)sible
Hear ye! Hea(he speak so wrongly)r ye! Hea(d spun so crookedly)r ye!
Parliamentary P-r-o-c-l-a-m-a-t-I-o-n-s State a (@)
means to an end
of Humanity
is officially
with(in)ered visibility;.;.
Primarily Draining
Crushed crimson;
flowers drink
from the sky
until their heads turn to dust;
a blood-red powder
rides the tail of the wind;
infecting; this is not blood;
blood of years; of yore;
of crisp age; taken on
more pallid and dry formations
shaped as crooked-looking wizened wizards;
remember it! ;
it wafts through post-postindustrial air;
as; you; read these very; words;
Longface; Harvard bomb;
not hungry; saddletoes; pick
your shape; scrape the sky;
atomic Yale; infectious mediocrity;
joker card; bent secret; missiles
take out menstruating teenagers;
this is thus—the thusness is this;
slow diver; flawless dream; copacetic
cotton candy; blink; blunk; bloonk; faded paint
gets a second coat; wolverines
and snapdragons giggle; chaos
rises and erupts; babies strung out
on Gerber; the Earth rolls out of its cage;
All Eyes Elsewhere
Your many mopey ideas
at least I failed every time you asked
at least we still have eyesockets where our eyes used to be;
to go; to fit; all connected just like a computer’s visceral wires;
veinlike; red/purple strings singing swinging in the wind;
we feel around; but don’t find; our eyes; that is;
maybe just plywood for no reason;
notthatitwouldmatteranyway; how in the whorled would we reconnect them?;
how’d; we; implement them in a fashion befitting of usefulness;
re-implant them
to bring forth a lost and gone sensation that it’s tantamount to BEYOND FUCKED UP
in how we took it for granted; grunted; gradual grudge; grunge
is what; we will eventually find ourselves; neckdeep in;
whatever hazard there will be waiting for us;
like all the fairytail books say; an ending is inevitable;
though YOU knew this from the get-go; right?;
of course you did!;— which is funny;— since you don’t
even exist and never have in among these endless existential
that run so Multiversinally amuck!;
The Churning Of
Rainy whispers stab through fog;
tumble of seasons; humid; inhuman;
difficulty drawing air;
overflow; noise of rasp;
the destruction of all—
ceaseless; distortion persists;
the burden of unseen things;
unbreathable air thrives—
hangs as if stapled to the sky;
slouching hominoids everywhere;
These vain I watch
talking through thrust jewel;
they lay on their personal island;
secret tropical privacy; flashing;
the mental patients—; they want us to know;
“I’m angry that you see me
on the island where I wave”;
lies through thick air; diamond air;
sparkles flick chaotic luminosity among starry daylight;
the hollow and their conformity—
their contest of and for popularity;
you eat the baby salmon eggs on the noon porch
next to the street with all the busy camera shops;
through the years it will of course
collapse and bloom the true monster of You
turned headward toward the light— now your enemy—
Nature’s redemption; hollow cracks undeniable; waves of wrinkles;
pristine tablecloth acned with stains of bright karmic mustard seeds;
I am a peripatetic [not the bad kind]
in the adjective form of the noun—
that is, I pace while in deep thought;
I’ve burnt trails in my livingroom carpet
during times when the headpressure hits
and all thoughts aflutter;
I’ve been to plains of thought with my own perceptions
no one else has ever been to;
[should I thank my slight epilepsy?];
seen the world; reality just a word
from such a boiled-down standpoint
of strippedback horror and
and how nobody really knows anything
and there is no such thing as real intelligence
that people fake and flaunt every day—
and living in this everpresent Manmade reality
even those who are fact-filled
and those who are philosophy-filled are left wondering;
every doctor should take down their degrees
from the walls of their office;
sit back and say;
“Yes, I don’t know”;
Those Vegas
Humble air not here
—only the squalid dry
and the monotonous plantlife it breeds;
sucked so deeply dull into boredom
that we wager for amusement;
trading snakes for cherries;
building and building over the years;
bright row after row; See to shining See;
eyes rapidly jumping; scattering here and there;
observe the electric colors we have wrought—
we dot a wicked luminescence among these meadows;
bright and hollow; steeped in the belly
of our parched moneyfade streets;
sins invented to control the herd;
the seeds of sin afoul the plasticlife;
planted by the drunken rapist preachers who harvested this town;
Tin Foil Wings
Time flies on tin foil wings
into the not-so-married face of a mirror fracture;
old lady weepen in the garden big teardrop rain
feeds the flowers, birthing only bugs from the dirt—
so many children and not one removed from her womb—
the foggy house no one visits;
juice orange swallow lonesome morning
reverberates only echoes and shadows as fiends
are scraped from the walls where they bounce
the rapid cuss through the air;
days turned non-tepid—the bitter rush of bonechill comes,
regular as newspaper; the eyes flood
smearing ink—a frail blurry life
never lets a focus peek through;
daisies are dull flowers on the cracked linoleum bathroom floor;
she full well knowing, reflected in many-faceted mirror,
that hope can’t fly far on tin foil wings.
Sick; Overly Soft
Foodstove unused; no need—
fastfood reign supremely high;
foodstave infected; calorie and trans;
tired bodies; arms reach for
the apple; its purity;
the gelatinous generation— laying stagnantly
in the chair; the weight of the world;
even blubberbones searching for health
can find none; no oasis; just chemical greasedrippings;
bodyfails; no movement; soured malnutrition;
human interference; trapped here
in this toxic cage; softerskin;
arms are still reaching
for that apple;
Stuck; I’m;
now; nowhere
to move; to
think; the random society
has forced this on me;
I feel I’ve nothing left to give;
nothing left to offer of
my own broken
insides; battered;
drained, I’m;
fuck you;
I’m standing up;
might even spread wings;
Catching Cancer
Their highest love-meeting fool
by fool-their cackling laughs mingle
<with the content><candles blow out>
electric stoves (l)amps and razors go on
~someone lives again~ #s are given
to decipher the dead from the alive
[on a metaphysical level],
all coated [in the glistenings]
of a blood{bath} ripe with tumors
[timorous fruit><tumescent fruit]
festering in dense cancer: fun with the monkey
[take the mind off]
——-keeps wiping snot on your shirt——-
as you catch the sickness
in the palm of your lungs.
My God!; my gash!; I’ve
never seen a wound of such syphilitic
magnitude than the one you carry in your mind!;—
a truly poisoned person, not by
the toxic flowers and air; instead mangled
so deeply by society, hearsay, propaganda—
the confusion machine perplexing the confounded masses—
humans shackled and caged by technocracy’s easy essence;
building their Insane Army founded in delusional states of manic static;
amassing; spreading through infection to infection misinformation—
a play upon emotion and any/all rationale is wiped clearly off
for most people; hence this personified cauldron is stirred,
and the disease effects the great populace—
similar to mercury-poisoning, thought-poisoning
swims in phantasmagoric waters; the waves
soon breaching the land, dark wakings
and black eyes and minds asleep in permanent limbo;
simple robotic slaves of the talking moving picturescreen—
the greatest slave empire Mankind has ever known;
Sarin Gas for the Soul
Human flesh and burning ventriloquists
are as human as human and what it is to be alive
among the Oxytocin addicts constantly
popping out more life for the death by natural selection;
smug glob and hungry for heroin you bite
into not flesh [not human flesh, at least] of the Mayapple,
and I just let you know that you’ll always be in my hurt;
throat thrush talkinghush and drink
the rubies in the Robitussin, the not-healing flush
of shiny toy landmines or the sowers of lemons,
but of the jar of immortality sitting right next to
the machinegun, and as you fall asleep you wonder,
“are there guns in heaven?” and wake to
a farewell, the cleft, the cliff— two diverse
energies flowing at a simultaneous constant;
human flesh spouts its patriotism
sprouting patriotism [war’s main catalyst]
not seeing the filth of the future, instead
I yelled let’s make this the Rulemaker’s Reckoning
in which we swim through oceans of teeth
and mansions of whores to pry the dagger
from their cold dead hands; we eat not
of terror pie but of mint julep
in the fiery nights while the rest of the populace
are forever spun by the spin doctors;
not a true thought to be had; mangled mumblings;
their arrogant smashmouthed words; for we
know that life is rain or shine;
all’s strangely quiet at the bustling marketplace;
the professional bridgeburners down the road;
rigging explosives so the bridge will tumble inward; downward;
like falling elevators and flaming lemmingdrops;
vile cakes of human flesh; bullets and babies;
big bloodclouds on the horizon;
tomorrow tickets go on sale for the extinction; smackdab
in america, where everything is never enough;
insatiably always reining supreme; the rug never fully wrung dry;
more always wanted; more always gotten; the scent of sound
conjuring umpires and apes to make the call;
thinking forward toward the present;
slouching toward ataxia day by day
as the clocksucker engulfs more time; slowly but surely
we will have our death guaranteed by american suffocation;
nine more years of winter; all the knives and molars in the world;
the entire heath!;— the vast wasteland!;
america run amuck with cakesuckers who waddle the streets
cracking the cement; did they brazen me out in high
school or did they devour me whole?; Truth be told I checked out
of my own volition and devoured them all!; simply by not playing their games
it turns out every last one ended up selling out except me!;
I am actually grateful for these yuppy idiots; I love every one of them;—
just as I love all the child molesters and rapists before them—
those scumbags made me fucking Invincible!!;
I don’t even “think” for now I KNOW that nothing can destroy me
and that I can destroy and overcome ANYTHING!…
I enter states of ecstatic transcendence when I think about how
no one has even begun to see what I’m going to do to this Human Race!;
I am grateful to each Genius whose eye I may have caught only to let them down;—
for now I have a clean slate for what I am Truly going to bring
and the gifts I have Truly been sent here to offer the world;
for I am the Ubermensch gone terribly misunderstood—
now, I will be able to show you a purer form of me—of Human—of Genius—
that sparkle that caught your eye but was never fully investigated;
my only mistake was in trying to be understood; after all that Plato and Emerson
said about that you’d think I’d have known!;— no more worries now;
no holding back; nothing but my purest Truth to share;
biting deeper into human flesh and thought;
incessantly incessant; pantomimes of pensiveness;
the reality of Postmodern Bleeding; humans are always bleeding—
we go suiciding as the suicidish tourguide shows us
the Kill-Yourself Collection deep into the overtone of night;
the scent of silence; of nothingness; black
as a hole; not even stoneflowers bloom in this kingdom of endless eclipse;
sickly jet-setters of the white trash are the ones out scalping tickets
to the extinction just hours, maybe minutes,
before our self-inflicted meteor hits;
feeds us our suicidal dose of starvation;
poisoning ourselves every day; what else can be done
when the Annual Apathy Awards become a daily occurrence?;
ghostshadows acned with acid scars scalp tickets to the extinction—;
ravenous masses wave huge handfuls of money in a panicked frenzy;
[an earlier version of this poem first appeared in To Burn in Torturous Algorithms]
A Zillion Miles Sublime
Let there be light
so we can howl at the sun!
Let there be warm tendrilesque days
upon which to kiss the flowerpetals
strewn across the street
and yards like softpink snow!
Let there be bloodflowing and rejuvenation
and a rush of euphoria through the veins!
Let there be moons so bright
they cast shadows on midnight’s grass!
Let there be wine-soaked life blooming
and yelling belligerence into the fullyalive last bit of pure Earthly air!
originally published as a Poems-for-All book
Parasitic world;
hands of wombhoused preborn eat;
drink through the nuzzletube
the vicious fluids that nourish the fire;
so discordant yet discreet;
the heartbeating in repetition;
muffled; veinhead hears through the plasma;
steals the blood; will soon suck the milk—
yet ancient evolutionary birdbrain instinct rouses a tell of connection;
a soppy bellyhoused sponge;
the outgrowth in the bush—
mere and unsevered; stalwart existence;
head throbs;
eat, very eat; every angle a violent angle;
wolverine nights, wolverine days, wolverine skies—
yet still the flickering and taming—
[evolving beyond?; suppression of nature?;];
unborn ravenous glare; alienglare;
the slicing of tubes; inner makeshift plunder;
dehumanize the species; every angel a violent angel;
occupier of the wombhouse
ready to enter the violent circus of existence;
physical!; physical!; physical!; bite off the heads!;
plunder!; rob!; deplete!—
ready to rage and survive;
no longer a bodily parasite;
the Earth is the new victim;
a new wombhouse to so carelessly raze!;
[first ever “Spiralist” poem ever written back in 1997 when poet was seventeen years old: “I don’t know WHY but poem made me feel differently when I reread it—it reminded me of an Aura before a seizure—random bits and pieces of facts and emotion, all stringing together—although, I admit, there is WAY too much of a theme to this one” —HB]
Deliveries (Random Short Poems Written on Tip Recorder in 1998 or 99 while Delivering Pizzas for the Summer)
Delivery #1
Valley Acres Drive—
It was an Indian Summer
/felt like May again
/I latched the creaking gate
and stepped onto the street
near my Grandmother’s youth.
Delivery #2
Sweetgum Court—
Here is the stale cinnamon
for your daughter’s birthday.
Delivery #3
Shoehouse Road—
I knew you years ago
as a junkie
/now your voice is smooth
/without the rasp of narcotics
as you pretend to be a Total Stranger.
Delivery #4
Lincoln Highway Women’s Health Center—
You are
the thrice mistaken counter
and my name is not Hugh!—
I hate train tracks—
the Vague is alive.
Delivery #5
Marlow Drive—
You sooth
my ears
so soothingly—
your Russian voice
reminds me of Springtime.
Delivery #6
North Sherman Street—
I came so far
through clogged rainy streets
all the way to your blurry house—
it’s hard for me to see
past the dollar signs in your eyes.
Delivery #7
Bradley Academy for the Arts—
A roomful
of twentyfold applause
and I am
in the arms of the girls.
I will never know
what caused a spontaneous outpouring
of hugs and French [yes, FRENCH!] kissing,
to erupt as I walked in the door
although I’ve heard that “The customer
is always right” and I had the distinct feeling
that whatever this unsupervised roomful of girls
were doing to me, they were most definitely right!
You GOTTA love art school girls!!
A House Chaotic
Chaotic house;
negativity flowing, disrupting
newly opiate-parched nerves,
hollow heads open and shut
drawers and doors
day and night endlessly
up and down steps,
confusion seeping from the drill-hole
in the cranium; electric house,
through high voltage this house courses
electroshock and hyper hands
in a state of permanent fiddle—
these bodies that gather
shrouded by wall, have drunk
of this modern electric juice
and the thoughtlessness of noise
is its high hangover—
these are the bumps, the loud bruises,
the certainty and proof of a house chaotic.
I will once again claw
my way out of this hole
I have fallen into,
just as I have many times before.
It’s when those foggy February
eyelids descend, my Spirit seems
to dim a bit. But, as I said,
I will, by means of pushing outward
in a swirling smiley Spiral of mindset,
climb my way back out
and onto the land of the purest
primary colors known to the mind.
Hinge Ether Poems
Hinge Response to Heller’s Email
inspired by Heller Levinson’s Hinge Poetry
Tetra-hydraulic helium teaks homogenized tombstone homebone totem histrionically
correctly upsetly in room vroom dead motion of emoticon emotion
leapless thus far from the materiality of lied languageà
no cucumberian air sockets yet fill the womb
of a plastic garden’s unoriginationà
a therefore refrigeration of forwardable motion is held at bay
the automatonious populace still
not quite ready
to rise and roar
The Road to Regretful Road (Hinge Ether)
to words sounds
ground down sounds
sound wound unbound round Worldverines
self-reliant Emersonian regret envelops [gone unlicked]
for waiting so long
to sound to send
mined words
out into the nounfound newfound land’s cape
of previous decades
seen verysimilar verisimilitudeinal mined words
said by another and others
who didn’t flounder around
instead speaking them’s sounds unbound
undrowned by time them’s sounds
now abound mounds and mounds
of other’s sounds
on paper
in book
all around
hole most twenty years worth of seizure-esque despair
catalyst of stasis to send mined words
instead swirled
stare at wall
downdrained of decadal timeframes lost, found
the screechingclawed silence of inertia
More Hinge Ether
How much of
unveiled Vale
big pieces of oxygen
postpostpost-Jurassic winds blowing
personification of nature
since Cosmos is energetic vibration
is smelling eternal
is heavy with Pineal flow
Maya deflation
energy crackles up spine
bloated lotus blown up
Chromosomes wiggle
seashells and galaxies
all gathered
realclosetogether eyes
flow with multidimensional flipflap aura
Attempted Burroughsesque Cut-Up of a Hinge Module (written 4-25-17 on flight to London)
Bloodbath omnidracual
Motherwell swells heart well , . ; —it jerks outward
black ‘n’ white seals boulders
unless piss is Rimbaud’s “black air”
errant grief tentacles
under the slippery bloomy roof
tadpole—> Totalitarianism pole—>
bleached murmur of mirror shimmer grows crimson claws
f u n
merge—> soak—> seep—>
phantoma’s marry garlicking
whiteness emitting [form of color] black
rubescence grows
forth coils
dancing all over
out with the old
without the nothingness embroidered
I died as a young goat
yet still seeped my seep
my seepage
internal outposts
loop sideways
tenebrous cutting off esophaguses juvenile self destruction protection
hope wish pray for u-r-g-e’s
nuanced necessary mutation into
n-e-e-d for pressure upon the detonation button
the limpest kind of curiosity
is petty pretty affirmation in-fluence
freedomlessly falling into
Don’t snozzle your mask
don’t spangle your smile
don’t childrenly chuckle to yourself
birthed to bloom
now lost of blossom
to a muddiness
among a plethora of plumpness
rot sprouts ubiquitous sitcom
as if speckled on a blue spreckled sap sucker’s eggs
dross imagos dross talk dross teeth dross existence dead imagos
wire tired— the guns out already
and of course not one of them backfires
so very naïve to the abspestose painting [the work of art — the weak of art]
upon the ceiling poisoning
the air from lobby to roof
at every turn of the maze a mirage suddenly springs up—
Ceasar knows best
the candyfloss from the candy tree
brings a reader exaggerated focus [say “sugar high!”]
confused imagos— something tells me the apes will be back
but not immediately— this poem painful as looking for a haystack
in a mountain of needles.
My Hands
My retriever hand burns golden holes
in the sheer sparkliness of Existence itself
when it reaches into other realms.
Not black and empty holes
but bright white holes brimming
with endless possibility, Truth,
the fathomlessness, The Great Spiral,
shining outward, replacing death with birth,
bats with birds—the beautiful ugliness;
of it all pouring out like a sieve
as my other hand pulls open the Tao
for all of creation to see.
The 14 of Diamonds
In the density of pitchy night you find yourself
scrubbing off the blood between your fingertips;
you are the riot star giving out riot scars to the people
you killed among the constructive vandalism
and oaken semen as you effortlessly pick a fight
with a man-eating orchid on the moon;
you’ve already killed the Joke-Man
in the Hawaiian Straightjacket; everyone is beseeching you
to screw off your thumb in order to stop this
endless war before they all lose their minds but you won’t;
you’d rather put your lips to the landmine
in the spoiled despair of your life that can only be seen
when the Karmascope peers deep into your skin and closely notices
how your sincere devotion to violence is caused mainly
by your broken suicide machine; stuck in this insidious
post-postindustrial world of rivers full of babyheads adorned with bullet holes;
you scream the infection straight down their throats
as you throw your intimidation around like a green elephant
wearing a top hat while walking upon a beachball
just as the banana split poker game is always split
right down the middle; an icicle prison cell is quite easily escapable;
what is most scary in life among these maniacs
is when the cancer won’t cancel and your shadow begins to detach
from your body; twigbones; itchy horses ask which way
to the broken sky and all you have to do is tell them to look
at the asteroid on the horizon burning down pipelines
and melting diamonds into liquified bathwater
as the eyes of the cello begin to speak of oceans ripe with shale
and toxified mush that was once water; a xylophone of so many fishbones;
Account of a Necessary Sonic Mutation
inspired by a short passage in Emerson’s Journals and Letters
Man’s central experiment is a tune—
attended to by other ears
in whole or Van Gogh-style—
either way, this is important—
complaint stretched over the central man
struck by sand and glass—a night owl with pneumonia—
attuned to my asymmetry—
this evolution will sing
as it Spirals asymmetrical discordance—
that thrown and crystallized will sing screeching sonics!—
and my animal will be born
to feast upon the earworthy pangs
still reverberating throughout the rooms of the world.
Cut Your Everything
[Cut-up of Minutes to Go done while on phone with Rob Schofield while he was drunk off his ass on bourbon—most words are Cut-Ups of Schofield’s drunken ramblings—only a few Burroughs cut ups ended up making it in]
Agent RE ACTIVE RE ACTIVE AGENT on farm turf
shift hatch of C had that anticipation/ participation of the dog/
police synthesized outside window sudden engagement/
there’s nothing paperwise on me though they knew 3 of people there had warrants
chok seven oclock on a Sunday morning drunk monkey on bourbon
no house without warrant /// after that point
I started pulling records on everybody
for all Louvre couldn’t do shit tied to Spain against me some saint’s razor
cha stance raise but they knew I had shit a decade of frozen soup
I had to go though I didn’t want to
So I grabbed my dog and left
RE ACTIVE FUCKIN”””””” SHERIFF!!/!! Mankind meet this Human!!/!!
I don’t like to give up ANYFUCKINGTHING!!/!! cripple badge
in this /case/ other than Mr. Shannon the Razor Jerk
though I didn’t even know half of the last names!! ß
Election (appearing with the RAT a little bird did as well and told me of a rat—
said they were RESIDENTS!!
active agents in the house detour road and head—raise eyebrow!!//àà
the police knew EXACTLY who they were looking for
lived there, not rather in Africa, carrying out assignment—
it just didn’t make sense/ te see/ ripe toma- toes/ to me
then it did—
WAITING… A HAND POINTING… THE ROAD [made sense, make sense?]
I love my dog more than the farm though
so I HAD to go/xrays c surgery section/no release renewal
all sound eyes cultures essential
I was [in slick streets of cry] gone.
Snip snap
shot of spit
angelican spitsoup
snotten spirit
and the foul
rush of cold wind
tearing at the mind.
all new poetry in pliant verse ©2019
> > >
asemica: virtual art exhibit
A Conglomeration of Spiralism, Hinge Ether and Asemic Art: Statement os Poetics [Aesthetics]
I like to hurt words. I like to twist, contort and bend them this way and that way. I like to cause them to mutate.
I like to make them writhe and transmogrify into something new. I like to wring Truth from out a collection of obscure words. I like to, as John Yamrus said, risk falling flat on my face in order to occasionally hit poetic pay dirt.
Most editors don’t like it when poets push the envelope of possibility. This is due to the fact that most people don’t have the faintest idea of what True poetry is, least of all professors. Even on the rare occasion a professor understands what True poetry is, the last thing they would do is admit it. They need to keep it caged since their job depends on it. Poetry is pure artistic freedom–something the Status Quo of the literary world will NEVER admit because the “establishment” needs poetry to be something that can be labeled and something you can “out your finger on” and say “this is what a poem supposed to be” when nothing could be further from the Truth.
This collection contains some of my Spiralist poems (a type of writing I began developing as early as age 17) along with a few poems I have termed “Hinge Ether” and which are heavily influenced by Heller Levinson’s Hinge Theory along with some of my Asemic art.
My approach to poetry is to “make it new.” To take the preconceived notion of what a poem is “supposed to be” and bash it to pieces–though not useless pieces. Pieces and fragments of what can be discovered and looked upon in a completely new and different way. Pieces, no matter how mangled, that a bit of Truth can be gleaned from glancing at it in its newfangled state. At the bottom of my experiments with words is a desire to nudge humanity, in whatever way I can, a bit further toward sanity since it is currently faced in the totally wrong direction.
Heath Brougher’s Books — Amazon
The Ethnospheres Duality Facebook Page
Vagabond Ink — Interview on Spiralism with Heath Brougher
> > >
biographical note:
Heath Brougher is the poetry editor of Into the Void, winner of the 2017 and 2018 Saboteur Awards for Best Magazine. He has published nine collections of poetry, the most recent of which are The Ethnosphere’s Duality (Cyberwit, 2018), Tangential Dithyrambs (Concrete Mist Press, 2019) and Change Your Mind (Alien Buddha Press, 2019). He is a multiple Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net Nominee as well as winner of the 2018 Poet of the Year Award from Taj Mahal Review.