diaphanous micro 2022
5.2: breached surfaces | Richard Wayne Horton — poetry, flash fiction, & hybrid proseforms
5.1: beyond this place there be dragons | Paulette Claire Turcotte — new poetry & visual hybrid art
diaphanous micro 2021
4.8: the problem with philosophers | Charles Rafferty–prose poetry & interview
4.7: the day’s dissolutions | Mike Cole–poetry & poetics
4.6: groundid | Kristine Snodgrass–visual art (digital glitches)
4.5: Scant Moments, Heavy Coats | Gordon Hilgers—poetry
4.4: a love song to chaos | Sylvia Van Nooten—asemic art (multimedia collage)
4.3: annulets | Gerard Sarnat—new poetry & poetics
4.2: ink-antation | Tina Barry — new hybrid writing
4.1: RE-CONSTRUCTIVISM IN THE ABANDONED FIELD | Kristen Anderson — Architecture
diaphanous micro 2019
3.16: moments of rest | Ariel N. Banayan — new hybrid/short poetic fiction & interview
3.15: bleeding backwards | Heath Brougher — new poetry, visual art, & poetics [aesthetics]
3.14 ꙥ: Interosculations | Heller Levinson — new Hinge Poetry & Hinge Poetics
3.13: self-fulfilling prosecutions | Leonard Zinovyev — digital collage art, poetics, & interview
3.12: higged hive | thylias moss — 4 collaborative poems
3.11: Once You Settle Into The Notion That There Are No Interpretations Expected… | Dale Houstman — poetry, visual art & poetics
3.10: sacrifice | short fiction [flash & excerpts from published novel]–Sandra Arnold
3.9: the cloudy land | Anwer Ghani — new prose poetry, poetics, & virtual artography [digital expressionism]
3.8: ghosts & spectral images | Carolyn Gregory — poetry & poetics [interview]
3.7: scrambled aliens | Arthur Broomfield — surreal poetry & poetics [interview]
3.6: where what hovers is possibility | Rebecca Olander & Elizabeth Paul — mixedmedia collage/poetry collaborations & artist statement
3.5: trajecting trauma | Mark Blickley, Amy Bassin, Nancy Kiel, & Katya Shubova — text-based art & video collaborations
3.4: finally an answer | Jon Wesick — poetry, photography, flash fiction, & literary artist statement
3.3: my father was to tell me something | Christine Karapetian — visual multimedia collages & artist statement
3.2: fragments from an excerpt | Chris Stroffolino — [post]postmodern poetry & interview [poetics]
3.1: the falsetto pitch | Sheikha A — poetry & poetics [interview]
diaphanous micro 2018
2.9: adrift | Jonathan K. Rice — paintings, poetry, & aesthetics
2.8: photographic memory | Alexis Rhone Fancher — poetry, photography, flash, & aesthetics [interview]
2.7: higher clouds | Anatoly Kudryavitsky — surreal poetry & poetics
2.6: an open secret | Hiva Moazed — paintings & artist statement [interview]
2.5: four variations of the same mood & an afterthought [collaboration] | Miguel Escobar [experimental poet] & Sinaida Wolf [abstract multimedia visual artist]
2.4: freeing the inner concert | Kim Papa [Howlett] — abstract paintings & artist statement [interview]
2.3: Stefan Bohdan | visual text-based art, poetry, & statement of aesthetics/poetics [interview]
2.2: Francine Witte | poetry, photography, flash fiction & poetics [interview]
2.1: the sign of dreaming pilots | J Karl Bogartte — surreal abstract visual art, experimental prose poetry, & aesthetics/poetics
about diaphanous
mission statement
editor Krysia Jopek
submissions guide
diaphanous micro 2022
5.2: breached surfaces | Richard Wayne Horton — poetry, flash fiction, & hybrid proseforms
5.1: beyond this place there be dragons | Paulette Claire Turcotte — new poetry & visual hybrid art
diaphanous micro 2021
4.8: the problem with philosophers | Charles Rafferty–prose poetry & interview
4.7: the day’s dissolutions | Mike Cole–poetry & poetics
4.6: groundid | Kristine Snodgrass–visual art (digital glitches)
4.5: Scant Moments, Heavy Coats | Gordon Hilgers—poetry
4.4: a love song to chaos | Sylvia Van Nooten—asemic art (multimedia collage)
4.3: annulets | Gerard Sarnat—new poetry & poetics
4.2: ink-antation | Tina Barry — new hybrid writing
4.1: RE-CONSTRUCTIVISM IN THE ABANDONED FIELD | Kristen Anderson — Architecture
diaphanous micro 2019
3.16: moments of rest | Ariel N. Banayan — new hybrid/short poetic fiction & interview
3.15: bleeding backwards | Heath Brougher — new poetry, visual art, & poetics [aesthetics]
3.14 ꙥ: Interosculations | Heller Levinson — new Hinge Poetry & Hinge Poetics
3.13: self-fulfilling prosecutions | Leonard Zinovyev — digital collage art, poetics, & interview
3.12: higged hive | thylias moss — 4 collaborative poems
3.11: Once You Settle Into The Notion That There Are No Interpretations Expected… | Dale Houstman — poetry, visual art & poetics
3.10: sacrifice | short fiction [flash & excerpts from published novel]–Sandra Arnold
3.9: the cloudy land | Anwer Ghani — new prose poetry, poetics, & virtual artography [digital expressionism]
3.8: ghosts & spectral images | Carolyn Gregory — poetry & poetics [interview]
3.7: scrambled aliens | Arthur Broomfield — surreal poetry & poetics [interview]
3.6: where what hovers is possibility | Rebecca Olander & Elizabeth Paul — mixedmedia collage/poetry collaborations & artist statement
3.5: trajecting trauma | Mark Blickley, Amy Bassin, Nancy Kiel, & Katya Shubova — text-based art & video collaborations
3.4: finally an answer | Jon Wesick — poetry, photography, flash fiction, & literary artist statement
3.3: my father was to tell me something | Christine Karapetian — visual multimedia collages & artist statement
3.2: fragments from an excerpt | Chris Stroffolino — [post]postmodern poetry & interview [poetics]
3.1: the falsetto pitch | Sheikha A — poetry & poetics [interview]
diaphanous micro 2018
2.9: adrift | Jonathan K. Rice — paintings, poetry, & aesthetics
2.8: photographic memory | Alexis Rhone Fancher — poetry, photography, flash, & aesthetics [interview]
2.7: higher clouds | Anatoly Kudryavitsky — surreal poetry & poetics
2.6: an open secret | Hiva Moazed — paintings & artist statement [interview]
2.5: four variations of the same mood & an afterthought [collaboration] | Miguel Escobar [experimental poet] & Sinaida Wolf [abstract multimedia visual artist]
2.4: freeing the inner concert | Kim Papa [Howlett] — abstract paintings & artist statement [interview]
2.3: Stefan Bohdan | visual text-based art, poetry, & statement of aesthetics/poetics [interview]
2.2: Francine Witte | poetry, photography, flash fiction & poetics [interview]
2.1: the sign of dreaming pilots | J Karl Bogartte — surreal abstract visual art, experimental prose poetry, & aesthetics/poetics
about diaphanous
mission statement
editor Krysia Jopek
submissions guide
diaphanous micro
e-journal of literary & visual art
diaphanous micro 2021
Krysia Jopek
January 9, 2021